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Obesity rates are on the rise

Trends in data have shown that obesity rates have gone up by three times or more over the past 40 years. It’s speculated that this trend started back hundreds of years ago with the advent of modern civilization. Modern advancements have slowly shifted us away from being active for a majority of the day to being sedentary for most of the day. Automobiles have us sitting while driving traveling, we work at desk jobs, and sit to watch TV or play video games. These are a few of the many factors that have come together to create this epidemic. The data shows that your average child between the ages of 8-18 may be consuming nearly 60 hours of media per week, most of which would consist of sitting down.
No signs of change
These trends show no signs of slowing down. There are other effects of all these modern advancements as well. For instance, Children’s participation in outdoor activities such as hunting and fishing have declined drastically in recent decades as well. More than 90% of all high schools and middle schools don’t provide daily physical education for all students. These trends are quite alarming and to fix them, awareness needs to be raised.


Trends of Sedentary Behavior
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